Our vision is to inspire passion amongst the alumni with a view to enhancing lifelong support for the college’s mission through varieties of programs, projects, activities, service and events which will be so appealing that alumni will seek to remain loyal and engaged with the college and with one another.
Our missions are:
1. To foster the spirit of fraternity, unity and co-operation among all Alumni and Alumnae of the College.
2. To encourage and promote close relationship between the College and its Alumni/Alumnae and to promote dissemination of information of mutual benefits to both parties.
3. To promote academic, social and sporting activities which are designed to achieve the aims, objectives and aspiration of the Association.
4. To encourage the formation of Branches, Chapters as well as set groups of the Association in all parts of Nigeria and in Diaspora.
5. To harmonize and co-ordinate the programmes and activities of Chapters, Branches and set groups in line with the objectives of the Association.
6. To encourage and promote research and social publication and the exchange of such information up to international level.
7. To provide financial aid or in deserving cases of indigent students through scholarship, provision of textbooks, electronic materials including iPad, iPod, laptops etc, and bursaries.
8. To encourage and provide necessary encouragement for effective leadership in the College.
9. In case of industrial dispute between the College and its academic or non-academic staff or issues relating to student unionism, to take active roles in the peaceful resolution of such matters through mediation and reconciliation.